1. What services do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive range of accounting services, including bookkeeping, tax preparation, and CFO Services.

2. Do you offer free consultations?

Yes, our process begins with a free discovery call to assess your needs and determine if we're a good fit for each other.

3. How do you ensure the security of my financial information?

We prioritize the security of your financial data with robust encryption methods, secure servers, and strict confidentiality policies.

4. Will my bookkeeping be outsourced overseas?

No, we guarantee that all your bookkeeping is handled locally by our team, ensuring transparency and personalized service.

5. What can I expect during the onboarding process?

After the discovery call and quote acceptance, we conduct a thorough review of your accounts for a non-refundable fee, gather necessary documents and data, and then provide ongoing support as per your contract.

6. Can my quote change after the initial assessment?

Yes, the quote may change based on what we find during the comprehensive review, as many business owners are unaware of certain financial details.

7. How often will I receive financial statements?

You will receive regular financial statements as specified in your contract, ensuring you stay informed about your financial health. Generally, financial statements are presented monthly or quarterly.

8. What sets your firm apart from others?

We pride ourselves on keeping your books local, offering personalized and transparent service, and our commitment to understanding and meeting your unique business needs.