How We Help

  • Ask An Accountant

    $49 -One Time Question / $149 - Monthly Membership with Unlimited E-mails

    We're excited to offer our "Ask Your Accountant" service, where you can get expert advice tailored to your needs. Choose between a one-time fee of $40 for a single question or a monthly subscription of $149, which gives you unlimited access via email to ask as many questions as you need. Whether it's a quick inquiry or ongoing support, we're here to help. goes here

  • Diagnostic Review

    Starting at $300

    A diagnostic review is a crucial and required first step for all our monthly services and clean-up work. This review ensures we fully understand your business’s financial landscape, with the fee adjusted for complexity. The fee is non-refundable, but you’ll receive a detailed findings report, giving you valuable insights to move forward—whether with us or another provider.

    Diagnostic Reviews are required prior to receiving a proposal for monthly work.

  • Monthly Accounting

    Starting at $350

    Monthly bookkeeping is crucial to ensuring your business's financial health and compliance. Our plans start at $350 per month , with pricing based on proprietary calculations tailored to your needs. Whether you need basic tax compliance or a full range of services like light A/P and A/R, our monthly bookkeeping is a must. Don’t risk leaving money on the table for the IRS—ensure your finances are managed with expert precision and care.

  • Clean Up/ Catch Up

    Pricing: Variable

    Are your books a mess? Are you behind? No judgement here! We promise, we've seen worse!

    For any catch-up or clean-up work, a Diagnostic Review is required before we begin. This review allows us to thoroughly assess the current state of your books, identify any discrepancies, and outline the necessary steps to get everything in order. The Diagnostic Review is billed hourly and requires a retainer. This process ensures that we have a clear understanding of the scope of work, enabling us to provide you with the most accurate and effective service possible.

  • Tax Preparation and Planning

    Pricing: Variable

    We offer a proactive tax approach, designed specifically for our business owners to maximize tax efficiency and ensure compliance throughout the year. Our tax services are exclusively available to our business clients, allowing us to tailor our strategies to your unique financial situation. Please note that we have a limited number of openings for tax preparation each year, so early scheduling is recommended to secure your spot and ensure timely, thorough service.

    Tax Returns we prepare:



